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As Health At Every Size (HAES) dietitians, we support our clients reach their nutrition goals through a weight neutral approach. This means that the number on the scale doesn’t dictate our care plan or influence our recommendations. We utilize a holistic approach that looks at each client as a whole and assess health status from […]
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We live in a world where all or nothing thinking has become so common. This may stem from a drive for perfectionism or growing up in hustle culture where if you are not “giving it your all” you might as well not try. In many ways all or nothing thinking has good intentions of wanting […]
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It’s that time of year again! The leaves are changing, the mornings are getting chillier and Halloween is right around the corner. While the start of Fall can be exciting for some, it leaves others feeling fearful of the potential treats that lay ahead. We know this first hand as a team of dietitians who […]
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I don’t know what your social feeds look like, but every time I log into my Instagram account I find post after post filled with body positive, #bopo hashtags and people professing the love they have for their bodies. While I’m all for self love as a clinician, I worry about the flip side to […]
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The term binge eating is sometimes used candidly when people feel chaotic or out of control with intake. However, binge eating disorder is a very real diagnosis that impacts 2.8 million Americans [*}. Let’s dive in below. what is binge eating disorder? Binge Eating Disorder (BED) is the most common eating disorder in the United […]