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Parents and caregivers trying to support a loved one with an eating disorder can often feel overwhelmed and scared. Eating disorders are complicated, and we understand how difficult it can be to cope with the signs and symptoms of an eating disorder in addition to navigating when and where to seek help. While treatment is critical, there are many things that you can do to support your loved one at home that can make a major difference in your loved one’s recovery journey.
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As a parent, it can be overwhelming trying to manage all of the facets that contribute to your child’s health. We all want our kids to be healthy, but what does that really mean and how do we ensure they’re on the right track? Unfortunately, it feels that sometimes a child’s health is reduced to […]
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We all want our children to be confident in themselves and in their body. Unfortunately, body insecurities are often learned as kids navigate our society and messages about what a “right” body is. And they pick up on these things at a young age. Children as young as three years old are seen engaging with […]
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There is no section on how to cope with your child’s eating disorder in “What to Expect When You’re Expecting” parenting books. The task can be daunting and discouraging. It can take a toll on your physical, mental, and emotional well-being. This is why self care for parents is an important part of navigating the […]
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Eating disorder recovery is incredibly complex and challenging because eating disorders thrive in isolation. A huge step in the recovery process is being able to discuss your concerns about your relationship with food and body openly. However, this is a lot easier said than done. Many of our clients come to us and have kept […]