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5 Key Warning Signs of Orthorexia: Recognizing the Symptoms

Eating Disorders

April 8, 2024

5 Warning Signs of Orthorexia

What is Orthorexia?

Is it possible, or even healthy, to be a perfect eater?

In today’s health-conscious world, the pursuit of a balanced diet and lifestyle is encouraged. Extreme dietary changes, like cutting out entire food groups, can even be commended. However, it is possible for a fixation on perfect eating to go too far and lead to the development of a disordered eating condition called orthorexia. 

Orthorexia can be defined as an unhealthy obsession with healthy eating. While orthorexia is not yet in the DSM-5 as an “official” eating disorder, it can be just as detrimental mentally and physically as other eating disorders such as anorexia or bulimia. Understanding the warning signs of orthorexia is crucial for early detection and intervention.

So many of our clients come into session without even knowing that their behaviors are in line with orthorexia. Let's dive in to the most common warning signs below.


5 Warning Signs of Orthorexia

1. Fixation on Food Purity

Individuals with orthorexia become fixated on the quality and purity of the food they consume. This looks like spending excessive amounts of time researching, planning, and preparing meals. It can also look like compulsively checking nutritional labels and ingredient lists of food and using all or nothing language around food (“good”, “bad,” “junk”, etc). As concern about purity increases, an individual might begin cutting out food groups - all sugar, carbs, dairy, animal products, or go on cleanses where the person fasts or eats a specific diet intended to rid the system of “toxins.

2. Rigid Food Rules

Setting strict rules around food consumption is a hallmark of orthorexia. Rules could include only eating organic foods, foods without added sugar or foods with limited ingredient lists. Self-imposed dietary restrictions include can lead to an increasing amount of “fear foods” and significant distress or anxiety when safe foods are not available. 

3. Impact on Physical & Mental Health

Orthorexia takes a toll on mental health, leading to anxiety, depression, obsessive-compulsive tendencies, and a diminished quality of life. The relentless pursuit of dietary purity overshadows other aspects of life, causing significant distress and impairment. While orthorexia primarily affects mental health, it can also manifest in physical symptoms such as weight loss, malnutrition, fatigue, and gastrointestinal issues due to imbalanced or inadequate nutrition.

4. Interference With Daily Life

Perhaps the most concerning warning sign of orthorexia is its interference with daily life. When thoughts of food and eating consume a significant portion of one's thoughts and time, it can impair relationships, work performance, and overall well-being. Orthorexia can lead to social isolation as individuals may avoid social gatherings that involve food, fearing they won't be able to adhere to their dietary rules. It is common to feel anxiety and restrictive eating behaviors at work or school events where “unhealthy” foods are shared. This withdrawal from social interactions can further exacerbate the condition and impact mental health.

5. Feelings of Guilt & Shame

Orthorexia demands high standards of perfection. People with orthorexia express a feeling of superiority around their nutrition and criticisms of other people’s food behaviors. Breaking their own self-imposed food rules by eating foods considered "unhealthy" can trigger feelings of guilt or shame. They may punish themselves through stricter dietary measures or excessive exercise to compensate for perceived dietary transgressions. This can sometimes “backfire” and lead to periods of feeling out of control around food.

Treating Orthorexia

5 C's of Meal Times

While healthy eating emphasizes balance and moderation, orthorexia is characterized by an extreme and rigid approach to food that negatively impacts one's quality of life. Individuals with orthorexia may deny or downplay the severity of their condition, insisting that their dietary habits are solely motivated by health concerns. They may become defensive when confronted about their eating behaviors, further hindering efforts to seek help.

Recognizing the warning signs of orthorexia is the first step toward seeking help and recovery. If you or someone you know exhibits these signs, it's essential to reach out to a professional for support and guidance. At NourishRX, out Registered Dietitians are equipped to help you discover a peaceful and positive relationship with food. Remember, prioritizing mental and physical health over dietary perfection is key to leading a fulfilling and balanced life.

Reach out today to get started!

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