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In our diet-obsessed culture, the messages women receive create a perfect storm for eating disorders during pregnancy and postpartum. While 7.5% of women are suffering from diagnosable eating disorders during pregnancy, there is no screening going on for them in doctors offices. In fact, studies have found that 93% of women with disordered eating were […]
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Our world is saturated with curated images and societal expectations about “the perfect” body. We are constantly bombarded with messages about what we should look like, as if this is something we can easily control (spoiler alert – it’s not!). It’s all too easy to fall into a bad body image day after relentless negative […]
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Do you live in a rural area of Virginia where choices for outpatient eating disorder treatment are few and far between? Or perhaps you live in Virginia Beach, Richmond or Alexandria and you just don’t have time to get to and from appointments? Are you a college student attending University of Virginia, George Mason University […]
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Do you live in a rural part of Utah, where choices for outpatient eating disorder centers are few and far between? Or perhaps you live in areas like Salt Lake City or Park City and you just don’t have time to get to and from appointments? Are you a college student at Brigham Young University […]
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Do you live in a more rural part of Do you live in a rural area of Tennessee? Or perhaps you live in areas like Nashville, Memphis,Chattanooga or Knoxville and you just don’t have time to get to and from appointments? Are you a college student at University of Tennessee, Vanderbilt University, or University of […]