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With the new year upon us (hiii 2025) diet culture is working harder than ever to increase its 70 billion dollar industry. Yup, you just read billion. With that type of power and influence, it can be hard to block out the diet culture noise. While some things have diet culture written all over them, […]
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Essentially, weight cycling is the notion of losing and regaining weight over and over again. More often than not, it is a direct result of chronic dieting. Here, we dive into what weight cycling is, its effects, and how to stop it.
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Thin privilege is a type of systematic disparity. It acknowledges the fact that society favors those in smaller bodies. It is important to acknowledge that this is REAL, and that it has REAL effects in our society.
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When you go to the doctor, one of the things that is probably listed on your chart is your Body Mass Index (BMI). Because it is talked about so commonly at doctors’ appointments and we see it all the time, it must be a super duper accurate, very scientific measure of health, right? WRONG. BMI […]
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Prepare yourselves! We are entering the “diet culture danger zone” as the New Year approaches. I’m sure you’ve noticed by now that there are an abundance of articles and ads that are promising that “this is the year to finally [insert diet-y, body changing resolution here].” That call to begin a new diet or join […]