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When you go to the doctor, one of the things that is probably listed on your chart is your Body Mass Index (BMI). Because it is talked about so commonly at doctors’ appointments and we see it all the time, it must be a super duper accurate, very scientific measure of health, right? WRONG. BMI […]
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So maybe you’ve started to incorporate joyful, intuitive movement into your life and are exploring how exercise feels in your body. This is a process that requires a lot of grace and self compassion. When healing from a disordered relationship with exercise, very similar to food, you may be stuck in the pattern of black […]
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Nutrition and athletic performance often go hand in hand. While it’s typical to see athletes watching and managing what they eat, consuming fewer calories than their body requires to perform at their activity level can lead to a very serious condition know as Relative Energy Deficiency in Sports (RED-S), or what had previously been know […]
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PICTURE THIS… It’s 6am and your alarm goes off. You roll out of bed, eyes still half shut, and the first thing you do is take the scale out of your bathroom closet. So many thoughts are going through your head at this time, “Please let my weight be lower than yesterday!” You get on […]
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These days when you get engaged, it feels like you barely have enough time to celebrate the exciting milestone with your partner, family and friends before social media starts targeting you and your newly bejeweled left hand with ads for detoxes, quick fixes, flat tummy whatevers and new “it’s not a diet, it’s a lifestyle” […]