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By now, I am sure you have heard us talk about the infamous “diet culture”. But what exactly does that mean? Well, as simple as it may sound, diet culture is not only a multifactorial part of our society but also a part of history. With pervasive messages about weight loss, the new “superfoods”, and […]
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Diet culture wants us to believe that food must be perfect. Made with perfect ingredients and diligent portions in order for it to be considered “good”, while all other experiences are subsequently deemed “bad” or “not good enough.” This reliance solely on external labels or rules disconnects us from being able to trust that our […]
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Movement (in all forms) is an important piece of our overall health and well-being, but, unfortunately, too many workouts are pitched as the means to a “perfect” body or permission to eat the foods you crave. News flash: you have permission to eat ALL foods and this idea of perfection doesn’t actually exist. Unfortunately, the […]
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So maybe you have just engaged in binge eating behaviors or are feeling guilt that you have broken one of your food rules. It’s in these moments that diet culture creeps in and has you thinking the best next step is to go on a new, shiny diet, right? Or that drastically changing the way […]
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In a world where we are constantly being told to change our bodies it makes sense that in terms of body trust, we may be lacking. Diet culture does it’s best to keep us stuck in this cycle of wishing our bodies were different. So what’s up with the desire for body change? Our societal […]