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Parents and caregivers trying to support a loved one with an eating disorder can often feel overwhelmed and scared. Eating disorders are complicated, and we understand how difficult it can be to cope with the signs and symptoms of an eating disorder in addition to navigating when and where to seek help. While treatment is critical, there are many things that you can do to support your loved one at home that can make a major difference in your loved one’s recovery journey.
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As Health At Every Size (HAES) dietitians, we support our clients reach their nutrition goals through a weight neutral approach. This means that the number on the scale doesn’t dictate our care plan or influence our recommendations. We utilize a holistic approach that looks at each client as a whole and assess health status from […]
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Essentially, weight cycling is the notion of losing and regaining weight over and over again. More often than not, it is a direct result of chronic dieting. Here, we dive into what weight cycling is, its effects, and how to stop it.