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A diagnosis of Avoidant-Restrictive Food Intake Disorder (ARFID) can be overwhelming for an individual and their caregivers. Since ARFID has only recently gained wider recognition and is a less well known eating disorder, it is understandable to have questions about what this diagnosis means and what treatment might look like. We are going through the […]
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benefits of self care It is no secret that eating disorder treatment can be extremely stressful. It affects both the physical and mental well being of you and loved ones. Self care can act as a calming counterbalance while you work to develop new coping skills. It has been clinically proven that practicing and engaging […]
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Many kids tend to be fussy or picky eaters and avoid certain foods because of taste or texture preference. As parents and clinicians, it can be hard to distinguish between picky eating and an eating disorder that requires treatment such as Avoidant/Restrictive Food Intake Disorder or ARFID. Knowing how to distinguish picky eating from something […]
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Before you ask, “will my child inherit my eating disorder?” remember – there are things you can do to to cultivate a positive food environment for your child.
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We know how hard it is to feel bound to a meal plan when food freedom seems right around the corner. As frustrating as this may be, there is always a purpose of a meal plan – it is one of the “MVPs” in recovery! As you work with your dietitian you will be hearing […]