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Show of hands: who has ever gone online, listened to the radio, or seen an ad of any kind advertising a cleanse. Is your hand up? Because ours definitely is. One of the most pervasive trends that we see nowadays is advocating for doing a cleanse. While the influencers and ads may make cleanses feel […]
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Chances are, you’ve heard about Intuitive Eating before. Originally coined in 1995 by two registered dietitians, Evelyn Tribole and Elyse Resch, it has taken popular culture by storm. The premise behind Intuitive Eating (IE) is that dieting is not only ineffective for weight loss in the long run (95% of diets ultimately fail), but may […]
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As Health At Every Size (HAES) dietitians, we support our clients reach their nutrition goals through a weight neutral approach. This means that the number on the scale doesn’t dictate our care plan or influence our recommendations. We utilize a holistic approach that looks at each client as a whole and assess health status from […]
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Eating disorder recovery is incredibly complex and challenging because eating disorders thrive in isolation. A huge step in the recovery process is being able to discuss your concerns about your relationship with food and body openly. However, this is a lot easier said than done. Many of our clients come to us and have kept […]
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We live in a world where all or nothing thinking has become so common. This may stem from a drive for perfectionism or growing up in hustle culture where if you are not “giving it your all” you might as well not try. In many ways all or nothing thinking has good intentions of wanting […]