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As Intuitive Eating dietitians, we understand how challenging it can be to work on healing your relationship with food and body. Doing the work requires a lot of unlearning, relearning, practice and (most of all) self compassion. Adding in the additional layer of talking with your partner about Intuitive Eating, then things can get a […]
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When looking for body positive nutrition resources in Massachusetts, it can be difficult to know where to start. In our diet-culture-entrenched society, it can feel overwhelming to know what resources are beneficial for your overall well-being. And, what may be more damaging. That’s why we have compiled a list of resources in Massachusetts that can […]
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With the new year upon us (hiii 2025) diet culture is working harder than ever to increase its 70 billion dollar industry. Yup, you just read billion. With that type of power and influence, it can be hard to block out the diet culture noise. While some things have diet culture written all over them, […]
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When you hear the term: “eating disorder therapy” what comes to mind? Maybe you think of a hospital setting or facility. Or maybe you envision an Instagram account that provides helpful tips and tricks. Or maybe you have no clue what eating disorder therapy could mean. We understand that recovery is confusing and unless you […]
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benefits of self care It is no secret that eating disorder treatment can be extremely stressful. It affects both the physical and mental well being of you and loved ones. Self care can act as a calming counterbalance while you work to develop new coping skills. It has been clinically proven that practicing and engaging […]