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When was the last time that you asked someone for help with something? Were you putting together Ikea furniture and using those gosh-darned complicated instructions? Maybe it was asking for help with getting a jar off of the top shelf. Did you ask someone to help you with a project at work? As humans, we […]
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Our team knows that when your child is in recovery from an eating disorder, meals can be an incredibly stressful time for you, your child, and the whole family. That’s why we are here to talk about the 5 C’s of meal times for caregivers to help ease some of that stress and anxiety. First, […]
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With the rise of social media and the internet, nutrition myths are everywhere. There is nutrition information on the cover of every magazine in the grocery store checkout line and in every news headline. However, it’s interesting how these seemingly harmless nutrition tips actually seem to be pushing weight loss and diet culture rather than […]
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Have you felt yourself stuck in a cycle of black and white thinking when it comes to food or your body? The feelings and emotions that come up around food and weight can be uncomfortable to say the least. As a society, we have been conditioned to think about body size and nutrition as a […]
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In many social situations, “diet talk” comes up regularly. It weaves its way into conversations, questions, and stories, oftentimes without us even realizing it. Diet talk is sneaky – it comes up when you least expect it. Sometimes it disguises itself as a joke or a compliment. Regardless of how it manifests itself, it is […]