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When you sit down at the Thanksgiving table and the aromas of freshly baked bread, an oven-roasted turkey, or a sweet apple pie fill your nose, what do you feel? Is the vision of the food on the table overwhelming? Does the notion of feeling full after a meal make your heart race? If so, […]
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Show of hands: who has ever gone online, listened to the radio, or seen an ad of any kind advertising a cleanse. Is your hand up? Because ours definitely is. One of the most pervasive trends that we see nowadays is advocating for doing a cleanse. While the influencers and ads may make cleanses feel […]
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In many social situations, “diet talk” comes up regularly. It weaves its way into conversations, questions, and stories, oftentimes without us even realizing it. Diet talk is sneaky – it comes up when you least expect it. Sometimes it disguises itself as a joke or a compliment. Regardless of how it manifests itself, it is […]