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Our world is saturated with curated images and societal expectations about “the perfect” body. We are constantly bombarded with messages about what we should look like, as if this is something we can easily control (spoiler alert – it’s not!). It’s all too easy to fall into a bad body image day after relentless negative […]
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While working to heal your relationship with food and body, social eating experiences can be difficult to navigate. From added social pressure, to lack of knowledge or control about food options, there can be several factors about eating socially that make it a challenge. And while we hear you loud and clear that socially eating […]
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What is Orthorexia? Is it possible, or even healthy, to be a perfect eater? In today’s health-conscious world, the pursuit of a balanced diet and lifestyle is encouraged. Extreme dietary changes, like cutting out entire food groups, can even be commended. However, it is possible for a fixation on perfect eating to go too far […]
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Do you ever feel stuck when it comes to your relationship with food? Whether you are in the midst of eating disorder recovery, a parent or caregiver of a loved one struggling, trying to practice the Intuitive Eating principles, or working to understand the best ways to nourish yourself throughout the day – navigating nutrition […]
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We all want our children to be confident in themselves and in their body. Unfortunately, body insecurities are often learned as kids navigate our society and messages about what a “right” body is. And they pick up on these things at a young age. Children as young as three years old are seen engaging with […]