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We all want our children to be confident in themselves and in their body. Unfortunately, body insecurities are often learned as kids navigate our society and messages about what a “right” body is. And they pick up on these things at a young age. Children as young as three years old are seen engaging with […]
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Whether you are brand new or well seasoned in your eating disorder recovery, it is normal to experience triggering events and stressors that might increase urges to return to disordered behaviors. While you can’t alway control whether or not you are triggered – sometimes it can be as unavoidable as poor sleep or a passing […]
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There is no section on how to cope with your child’s eating disorder in “What to Expect When You’re Expecting” parenting books. The task can be daunting and discouraging. It can take a toll on your physical, mental, and emotional well-being. This is why self care for parents is an important part of navigating the […]
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Show of hands: who has ever gone online, listened to the radio, or seen an ad of any kind advertising a cleanse. Is your hand up? Because ours definitely is. One of the most pervasive trends that we see nowadays is advocating for doing a cleanse. While the influencers and ads may make cleanses feel […]
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Chances are, you’ve heard about Intuitive Eating before. Originally coined in 1995 by two registered dietitians, Evelyn Tribole and Elyse Resch, it has taken popular culture by storm. The premise behind Intuitive Eating (IE) is that dieting is not only ineffective for weight loss in the long run (95% of diets ultimately fail), but may […]