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Moving into the summer months it seems that the question on everyone’s mind is: “How do I get summer body ready?” But what if we were to tell you that you are summer body ready. Right now. Just by existing in your current form. You may be feeling some uncomfortable emotions right now, maybe even […]
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Problems with sleep are all too common, from trouble falling asleep, staying asleep, or waking up in the morning. Inadequate intake and eating disorder diagnoses have been linked with difficulty sleeping, although the answer as to why remains unclear. Sleep is essential for our physical and mental health, and getting those 7-9 hours each night […]
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Google “Emotional Eating” and you will be presented with a page full of articles detailing the horrors of emotional eating, most of which are laced with toxic diet culture messages (for the record, we don’t actually recommend doing this). Certainly not helpful if you’re looking to heal your relationship with food and are working on […]