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Here at NourishRX, we talk a lot about how to set up your environment for success, and how to set boundaries for yourself within it. I’m sure you have found yourself scrolling through Instagram accounts while waiting in line, waiting for dinner to cook, or even before going to bed. In our world today, social […]
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Hands up if you feel like eating Halloween candy is scarier than the actual holiday itself. Is your hand up? Then this blog is for you. At NourishRX we want to help you re-discover the joy and satisfaction of eating Halloween candy without the scary feelings. As we enter Spooky Season, we know that candy […]
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With the rise of social media and the internet, nutrition myths are everywhere. There is nutrition information on the cover of every magazine in the grocery store checkout line and in every news headline. However, it’s interesting how these seemingly harmless nutrition tips actually seem to be pushing weight loss and diet culture rather than […]
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Coping with change during eating disorder recovery (and, well, always) can be an extremely difficult task. It happens time and time again where our clients are re-telling how they have noticed an intense increase in intrusive thoughts or behaviors. When we get into the nitty gritty of what is going on typically some sort of […]
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So, it’s that time of year again…school is starting soon! With a new school year comes new opportunities, new beginnings, new classes, and maybe even a new home. Transitioning from relaxing summer days to a new routine and a new dorm/apartment can be overwhelming, to say the least. On top of all that, having to […]