Movement & Exercise


You want to start incorporating movement and exercise into your weekly routine but you may feel stuck on how to start. 

Maybe you’ve given up on movement because in the past you’ve wound up unsatisfied and shackled by all the rules and intensity. You’re probably wondering how movement can fit within a flexible and intuitive relationship to your body— after all, movement normally goes hand and hand with dieting. 

At the same time, you often find yourself feeling lost when it comes to finding movement that actually feels enjoyable and doable with your busy schedule. Driving to the gym, scheduling out time and actually planning what you are engaging in can feel like a full time job — and you barely have any extra hours in the day to spend on yourself as it is.

However, not engaging in any movement may lead to some pent up internal stress. In turn, you might find that you’re feeling sluggish, stiff and simply not your best self. 

learn how to incorporate movement and exercise that supports your health and recovery.



Reasons that Movement support may be helpful

You have a difficult time falling asleep or find that you have more restless nights 

You consistently find yourself feeling anxious or stressed throughout the day without a way to move through these feelings

You are looking for a non-diet way to improve overall health and prevent chronic disease

You are finding yourself falling into that “afternoon slump” or have difficulty focusing throughout the day 

You want to have a way to connect with a fun, Health At Every Size aligned community

support around movement and exercise from nourishrx respects your body where it is right now.

It’s so rewarding to see the lightbulb moment when clients discover the magic of joyful movement where body connection and how you are feeling is prioritized over everything. 

It’s true. Some movement platforms ARE toxic and offered as a “no pain no gain” approach. 

That’s not the kind of movement support you’ll get at NourishRX. 

We know that you’re already feeling strapped for time and don’t have another minute to waste on a program that isn’t designed to fit and flex with your life. Having an online platform with videos to fit your individual needs for the given day at your fingertips can help with this. Movement can be foundational to health and doesn’t have to be a burden. 

Movement can help with Body Connection

The NourishRX Approach to Movement 

You don’t have to spend a large sum of money monthly at an elite gym or feel the need to “push past your limits” in order for movement to be impactful. In fact, we want to support movement that helps you slow down, connect to your breath and allow yourself a moment for self care. That’s where the Movement PATH at NourishRX comes in. 

Movement at NourishRX isn’t about chasing an arbitrary weight goal, it’s about energizing you and teaching you how to listen to and take care of your body. 

In addition to an ever-growing online platform of exercise videos for you to follow along with, you will also get a video breakdown of functional movement patterns and how to connect to yourself throughout the exercise. Everything is guided by a Certified Personal Trainer who is Health At Every Size aligned so you can feel safe that all language will be inclusive and supportive. 

HOW NOURISHRX CAN HELP YOU discover joyful movement:


Our newest addition to our suite of extra support services, the NourishRX Movement PATH features three phases of guided exercise to ensure you get the right support where you are right now. Following Safe Exercise at Every Stage (SEES) guidelines, the NourishRX Movement PATH can be used by individuals in eating disorder recovery who have been approved to resume exercise. Everything is guided by NourishRX's own Health at Every Size aligned Certified Personal Trainer, and we invite individuals in all bodies and of all ability levels to join. 





To let go.


what's holding you back from getting started with movement support?

I’m not sure I have time for movement

We know that time is one of the most valuable resources we all share and we want to respect your time as much as possible! That’s why we created videos to fit all timelines from 10-35 minutes long. 

I don’t like following rigid movement plans

The NourishRX approach movement is anything but rigid. We want you to discover your own ability to tune into the needs and wants of your body instead of following a set of rules that doesn’t work for you. That’s why every movement video we start with breathing exercises and connection to help you connect to what your body may be needing going into your movement for the day. Also, with a wide library of videos to choose from, each with its own unique “theme” you are able to understand the type of movement you may be craving for that specific day. Want more of a flow? We’ve got you! Needing a little more of a heart-pumping sweat? We’re on that, too! With a variety of exercise videos to choose from, your body gets to guide how you want to move that day. 

I can’t stick to movement because I always “fail”

There is no “messing up” when it comes to the Movement PATH. We believe that a flexible approach to movement and not “forcing it” allows for you to determine the type of sustainable exercise pattern that works best for you. And with a low cost each month you will be able to choose when you want to move without feeling monetary pressure that you “have to move”.

Let's get started

Develop a newfound relationship with movement and your body that is forgiving, fluid and freeing.


More Movement resources from nourishrx

Meal Planning isn’t the only option for support at NourishRX. Our team of Registered Dietitians also offer one-on-one and group support in nutrition counseling for intuitive eating, anorexia recovery, binge eating recovery, bulimia recovery, picky eating, and support for families of loved ones in eating disorder recovery.

other services at nourishrx