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How to Practice Self-Love this Valentine’s Day

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February 4, 2022

With Valentine’s Day just around the corner, we can practically smell the roses and taste the heart-shaped chocolates.  Now, Valentine’s Day is conventionally a day to go on fancy dates or to exchange gifts with a significant other, right?  But what if we flip the script and practice some self-love this year?

For many, it is easy to focus on meeting the needs of others - making them feel loved and supported.  This is great, but it can sometimes mean that you begin to put yourself second.  We’ve said it once, and we’ll say it again - you cannot pour from an empty cup.

Self-love means putting yourself first - even if only for a few moments a day.  It means recognizing and honoring the things that make you, you!  Essentially, it means making yourself feel special.

Heck - who says it needs to be Valentine’s Day to practice self-love?  Our team of registered dietitians shared one or two ways that they show themselves love on a daily basis.  We encourage you to try some of these things, or to come up with your own way of honoring yourself.




Ryann Hilton, RD, LDN, CEDRD (she/her)

  • Starting every day with a quick daily read from Beautiful You by Rosie Molinary.  This is a book of 365 reminders focused on self awareness, creativity, and becoming your own “champion of emotional and physical wellbeing.”  She says that these 2-3 paragraph excerpts and related action items help her to focus on the day at hand, to self-reflect, and to embrace life fully.


Katrina Mancebo, RDN (she/her)

  • Making herself a London Fog Tea Latte in the mornings
  • Taking time for her morning and evening skincare routine


Emma Newell, RD, LDN (she/her)

  • Journaling in the morning with coffee.  She says that this helps her to figure out where her head is at for the day, and she plans how to incorporate self-care based on how she is feeling.
  • Listening to music at the end of the day while making dinner to help her unwind and relax after work


Liz Richard, RDN, LDN, CNSC (she/her)

  • Buying herself flowers at the grocery store.  She says that it feels like a treat, and never fails to bring her joy.


Laura Coughlin, MS, RD, LDN (she/her)

  • Making herself funfetti cake or cupcakes (with the funfetti frosting, obviously!)
  • Pretending that she is at the spa by using her at-home facial steamer.  It makes her feel refreshed, rejuvenated, and relaxed.  When she’s feeling like she needs a little extra self-love, she’ll top the routine off with a face mask!



Meg Blatchford, RD, LDN (she/her)

  • Making “me time” for herself each and every day.  She says that this could look like walking to her favorite coffee shop for coffee and breakfast in the morning, or moving her body in a way that feels good before starting the work day.
  • Watching a show on Netflix to unwind at the end of the day - right now, she is hooked on the new season of Ozark!


Hannah Daigneault, RD, LDN (she/her)

  • Prioritizing comfort in everything that goes on her body: shoes, clothes, hygiene products, blankets, etc. If it's not making her feel comfortable, she doesn’t have time for it! Yep - you can bet she wore flats on her wedding day.
  • Hannah found a bracelet from a jewelry store that held the stone Chrysoprase.  The store displayed this as representing Self Acceptance.  She says, “it made me think of simply being okay with the way my body exists and functions - so I bought it!. The bracelet has since broke. However, I still keep the stone nearby and it makes me think of this meaning and gives me that sense of being grounded that helps me feel okay in my body.”


Caila Yates, MS, RD, LDN (she/her)

  • Getting outside at least once a day to change up her environment.  Even if it’s just sitting outside on her balcony or taking a walk around the block, she says that feeling the warmth or coolness of the air helps her reset and remain grounded.
  • Saying “no” to social plans when she is tired or needs time to rest.  Though she is a self-proclaimed extrovert, she says that giving herself that time to be by herself can restore her energy.


Making little moments throughout the day to make yourself feel special and loved can go a long way.  Practicing self-love can boost your mood and self-esteem.  We admit, the hardest part is finding the time to prioritize yourself each and every day.  If you are having trouble doing so, or feel like you need some extra guidance, our team of dietitians is here to help.

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I'm Ryann. Founder of NourishRX, mom of three and a certified eating disorders registered dietitian. To us, you're a unique individual with a story that led you to where you are today. Welcome, we are thrilled to have you here!


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