RECOVER FROM your eating disorder for good

you have what it takes to thrive

Our team of compassionate Registered Dietitians is here to guide you through our clearly defined recovery roadmap so you don’t have to overcome the patterns that have started to overtake your mind and life alone. 

start your journey

A powerful avenue to healing 

FOr individuals in eating disorder recovery

within reach

Genuine help AND HEALING IS

Before long, it may feel like things have started to spiral

You may find yourself questioning whether or not your relationship with food is “bad enough” to deserve more support than you’ve already sought out. Perhaps you’ve told a friend or searched on google to see if others are asking the same questions. 

With all the nutritional misinformation floating around in the media, the societal pressures that romanticize a specific body type, and the negative influences you find on your social media feeds, knowing how to care for yourself can start to feel like an uphill battle. 


If you're like any of our clients in eating disorder recovery

you might be feeling...

It’s easier to get stuff done when you don’t have to eat

Tracking calories and your weight makes you feel calmer

Food actually tastes gross to you

Sometimes you might binge and find you can’t stop eating

Food is all you can think about so much so that you’ve lost interest in hobbies and other activities that you used to enjoy

You’re sick and tired of the people around you telling you to ‘just eat'

Perhaps what started as a desire to eat healthier, lose weight, or feel more in control of your life has actually left you
feeling out of control

You’re probably wondering how things could ever go back to how they felt before. You may not even remember how “before” feels. But something tells you that you can’t go on like this forever.

WE hear you. we see you.

As Registered Dietitians working with clients in eating disorder recovery for over a decade, we’re familiar with the eating disorder’s tricks and sneaky behavior - how it might be convincing you right now that you don’t need this support and are better off navigating recovery on your own.

Healing happens when you choose recovery over the eating disorder - over and over again - in all the time and space between your treatment visits.

This in-between time can feel like treading water in the middle of the ocean. The eating disorder just a few strokes away as a life raft, and recovery feeling like a distant island too far in the distance to know where to swim. 

The PATH is here to change that - to meet you where you need it most - and to make sure that you have a guided journey to the shores of your recovery.

We know that eating disorder recovery takes a village.

Reconnect with the person you used to be, before food took over your life

Finally say ‘yes’ to experiences and memories instead of letting fear and anxiety take over.

Confront your fear foods with support and guidance so that eventually food just feels like food.

Navigate a slip or relapse with resilience and continue to spiral upward on your journey of healing.

Develop a relationship of acceptance and compassion for your body, instead of constantly fighting against it.

With the PATH to Eating Disorder Recovery You can:

start your journey





The PATH is NourishRX's total support package for Eating Disorder Recovery, combining individual nutrition counseling with the support of an on-demand, all-access virtual platform that provides consistent reinforcement of your recovery at your fingertips. 

So much of the work of recovery happens outside the sessions you have with your treatment team. 

We built the PATH to support your progress and help make your recovery a smoother and more consistent journey forward, so you can reach full recovery faster.








Every step of the PATH is designed to help you focus on what’s most important and needed for you wherever you’re at on your recovery journey.

How to access the most support from your treatment team

Understand the various treatment support options available to you

How to challenge food rules and negative thought patterns

How to address fear foods and navigate grocery shopping

How to set small, realistic goals for yourself in order to progress sustainably

Whether movement or exercise is appropriate for you right now

How to nourish your body instead of fighting against it


and so much more . . .


phase 1


A solid foundation, team, and plan in place to move forward with the recovery process.

Confidence to ask any questions that might be keeping you stuck

A lay of the land of eating disorder recovery, and reduced anxiety about what your next steps look like.

Empowerment that comes from knowing you’re not alone, and that hope and a future is within reach.

We start by setting you up with a strong foundation that focuses on simply getting started with eating disorder recovery and making sure all of your bases are covered. Even if you’re on day 1000 of recovery, you’ll find it useful to go back to square one with us.

You'll leave Restore with:

phase 2


Clarity around WHY recovery is important for you, and tools to help you keep this in the forefront of your mind as you challenge the eating disorder

Realignment with your healthy self as you start to separate from your eating disorder.

A deeper understanding of nutrition, and the ability to challenge all of the eating disorder’s misconceptions and automatic negative thought patterns around food.

The tools to build a supportive environment around you, and recognition of the factors that pose a threat to your recovery.

Readiness to let go of the eating disorder and confidence to reclaim your life.

In the second phase we’ll lead you through the process of helping you to reconnect to yourself and stop seeing the disorder as part of your identity.

You'll leave Reconnect with:

phase 3


A clear picture of what your will look like outside of this eating disorder

Strategies to maintain motivation and prevent relapse as you continue on your healing journey

Confidence to navigate life transitions and changes without relying on your eating disorder.’

A newfound relationship with your body and with all the ways you can care for it without controlling it.

The power that comes along with seeing a program like this all the way through!

As progress and healing continues you’ll be able to reclaim the quality of life you deserve with freedom, confidence, and resilience.

You'll leave Reclaim with:


here's what you'll get

Access to all 3 phases of our guided Journey: Restore, Reconnect, Reclaim

Support and guidance through each phase ($3300 Value!)

Access to NourishRX's Resource Hub with downloads and worksheets to support each module ($2197 Value!)

Access to a private community where you can ask questions 24/7

Complete platform access to guide you through our 3-part Roadmap.


enroll now

every 3 months


INvest in the support you need in order to get you there

about the founder

Get to know me

After meeting with adolescents, adults, and families over the years and learning about their experiences, I learned that the process of working from food fears to food freedom can be confusing and that this confusion can be a barrier to true healing.

Because of this, I became passionate about creating a warm and guiding space where you feel seen, heard, understood and supported as you begin your recovery journey.

My hope for you at NourishRX is that you will reconnect to your body and trust in your healing journey, so you can stop putting your life on hold and instead, pursue the things you love to do alongside the people you love to be with.

Founder of NourishRX, mom of threee and a certified eating disorders registered dietitian.

I'm Ryann.


Here's the good news

We're not new to this. Our PATH and Recovery Roadmap have been designed in response to our decades of experience as Certified Eating Disorders Registered Dietitians. We’re also moms, sisters, aunts, and friends who’ve been in your shoes and genuinely want to help you recover from this disorder.

24/7 access to the most impactful resource that NourishRX has to offer

Everything you'll gain access to inside the PATH to eating disorder recovery

Gain Access to our private platform where you’ll be guided through our proven 3 part recovery roadmap. This program is designed to be worked through at your own pace - there are no deadlines. 

A Guided Self-Paced Journey 

A positive, uplifting space where you can ask questions, share your successes, and offer virtual high fives to others who are on this journey with you.

A Private, Members Only Community

Gain access to our massive library of educational downloads and worksheets as well as links to our favorite articles and podcasts. We’ve also included how-to videos to get you started!

Access to our Library of Resources

An experienced eating disorders registered dietitian joining your team and helping you reach your eating disorder recovery goals.

Individual Nutrition Counseling

Truth be told, there’s endless content on Google that you could browse late into the evening. You could continue to pose questions in facebook groups and get ten different answers all conflicting with one another.

The NourishRX PATH is here to cut to the chase.

The entire roadmap was built from the ground up based on our years of experience as certified eating disorders dietitians and from the hundreds of clients we’ve helped along the road to recovery.

We’ve organized all the need to know information beautifully into an easy-to-understand, guided journey so you have the information you need, right when you need it. No googling necessary! You won’t feel lost in a sea of information as you haphazardly try to put it into practice. You’ll be supported the entire way with the opportunity to ask a question whenever it arises.

What Makes the NourishRX PATH to Eating Disorder Recovery Different?



I’ve tried counseling and other treatment plans in the past...nothing’s worked. How do I know this will work for me?

Recovery from an eating disorder takes a village and while we like to think that our proven framework is part of that village, we do know that having a solid treatment team in place and being ready to commit to the recovery process will ultimately lead to the best outcomes. We encourage you to utilize our framework alongside your team for best results.

The good news is that you can utilize our framework as many times as you need to for as long as it takes. Certain points in the process may resonate with you differently depending on where you are in your journey. We encourage you to backtrack and repeat steps several times, if needed, to work through what is coming up for you.

The time it takes for someone to recover from an eating disorder is highly personal. There are no quick fixes, but we want you to know that we are here to support you and offer you the tools no matter where you are in the process.

I don’t know if I’m ready for this yet. How can I tell for sure?

The fact that you’re here, taking the time to read about this program tells me that you’re at least open to the possibility of recovery. If I could, I’d reach through the computer screen and give you a big hug for just taking this step!

If you want to talk it through with someone first, book a call with our client care coordinator.

Is this a private platform?

Yes—only our team and active members have access to it. It is a safe community made up of other people who are also struggling with an eating disorder. That being said, the virtual community is not a HIPAA compliant platform and we’re not prescribing any medical nutrition advice outside of your one on one sessions.

You also aren’t required to connect with anyone inside the community if you don’t want to and there’s no personal information that’s being distributed. It’s up to you to create your own avatar/profile with whatever you feel comfortable including and sharing.

At NourishRX we are all for reducing the shame and stigma associated with eating disorders and want you to feel safe and supported being part of this community.

What happens if I think I’ve recovered but then I relapse?

Recovery from an eating disorder is not a linear path.. Slips and relapses are totally normal and a natural part of the journey towards healing.

Slips happen and having a solid plan in place for what to do when they occur will keep your recovery moving in the right direction. Inside the site we provide resources to recognize when a slip might be happening and the tools to get yourself back on track. We’re here for it all!

Is this program covered by insurance?

Individual nutrition counseling may be covered by your insurance if you are in the states of Massachusetts, Colorado, California, Virginia or New Hampshire. Access to the virtual platform is not a covered service and is not billable to insurance. 

Will this replace professional treatment?

No, the NourishRX PATH for Eating Disorder Recovery should not replace professional treatment. As a member, you can use our platform in combination with your treatment team or program—whether you’re working with a member of our NourishRX team, or elsewhere. This program will supply you with the support, confidence, information, tools, and community you need to help you recover.

I have more questions! Can I reach out directly?

Absolutely! We’d love to hear from you so that we can address your specific questions and concerns. Email us directly at:

The NourishRX PATH for Eating Disorder Recovery provides you with all the tools, resources, and support you need to reclaim the life you truly deserve.

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